Wednesday 9 January 2013

10 Things I Liked Best in 2012

I was taking a moment to reflect over this last Christmas break and i came to see a collection of 'things' that were some of my favourite 'things' from the year just passed. Some of these things are not necessarily new to the world, though to me they are. Or at least were, and i rate them highly...

1) Black Coffee
I decided i would stop drinking milk in my coffee and switch to a long black for my morning coffee. Its deliciously simple and I love it, so much so that i don't really enjoy the taste of coffee with milk very much anymore. An added bonus for the coffee snobs like me - when you're buying one from an unknown vendor, the likelihood of it being terrible is much lower than it it would be for a coffee with milk. Additional to this, making your own coffee becomes much easier and way more satisfying.

2) Grass-Fed Organic Meats 
I hadn't really thought about the difference between grain-fed and grass-fed animals before, but it all seemed to enter into my consciousness at once. The difference between the two encompasses many different issues - sustainability, personal health and well being, animal welfare, the environment, among others. 
The basic premise is this - most of the animals we eat a lot of (cows, chickens, sheep etc.) have evolved eating a natural diet consisting of for the most part wild grasses. The modern industrial-agricultural complex that now produces the majority of the food we eat, has opted to raise them on grain (of which a large portion is GMO), instead of grass.
Many studies have shown that a grain diet is unnatural for the animals, which causes inflammation and disease in them, and which then necessitates the use of antibiotics, chemicals and other unnatural substances in order to keep the animals healthy enough to be slaughtered and sold. 
Cage-grown, factory-farmed, grain-fed, non-organic, stressed-out animal products are a dark issue. Think about it and have a look at where the majority of the animal products you're eating comes from. Eating grass-fed, organic animal products that come from smaller, local producers is definitely the way to go - your health, the animals' health, and the planets' health will thank you for it.

Great butcher: Grass Roots Urban Butchery
You need to see this film and this documentary
Here is a great article on grain-fed meat

3) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Pacific islanders (along with a bunch of other tropical dwellers) have been using this stuff for ages, and for good reason. Its full of healthy fats, it tastes delicious, and it doest change its chemical structure when heated up. Eat it, put it in smoothies, fry with it, rub it on your skin or your hair - give it a go. Good article here

4) Slow Cooked Meats
I've never been familiar with using the oven at a low temperature until recently, and i feel its something I've been truly missing! The food stays tender, the connective tissue breaks allowing for easy digestion and absorption of nutrients, and the cleaning up is minimal. 
*Try a leg of lamb with a bit of salt, garlic and rosemary on top, throw a cup of water into the tray, cover it, and cook 3 hours at 120 degrees (go lower for longer if you can, my oven wont do it though)

5) Sandbag Training - Aussie Strength
A black nylon bag full of sand with handles all over it. These things are fun, can be used for hundreds of different movements, and will build true dynamic strength! I use them for cleans, presses, throws, squats and lunges. They pack down to the size of pyjama pants when you empty them too, so they're great for travelling (be sure to refill it when you reach your destination otherwise your workout will suck). They've got nice ones at Aussie Strength.

6) Latex Mattress
I found buying a bed quite a difficult process - there are a bunch of different options out there, and going off a friends opinion is tough as we are all built differently and have our own set of preference when it comes to sleeping. If mine counts for anything - I got one of these badboys about 4 months ago and haven't looked back! Its just the right kind of firm, made from a natural substance, moulds to the body (but not too much), and is naturally anti-dustmite. 

7) The Jungle Brothers
A mysterious collective of like-minded active individuals that i became involved with this last year. They have some big plans, so stay tuned!

8) Lumie Body Clock
My girlfriend got me this nifty bedside companion which simulates a sunrise to wake you up, instead of a loud, repetitive beeping sound. Its a lamp that gently dims-up to replicate the rising of the sun stimulating the receptors behind the eyes that tell your brain to get your ass up! Its got some natural bird sounds and whatnot programmed into it which you can combine with the light, for a truly caveman-esque rise. 
I think she bought it from these guys: Wake Up Bright

9) Backpack vacuum cleaner
I had a dodgy vacuum cleaner that i bought secondhand around 5 years ago for $50. The price was too good to turn down, though how misguided i was. Last year i bit the bullet and bought myself a Backpack Vacuum Cleaner from a cleaners supplies store ($299 i think). I have never wanted to vacuum my house so much since i got this guy! You strap it on your back, and blitz through the place like a pro. Bam!

10) Barefoot Training
Training on the beach, in the park, the car-park or the living room - doing it barefoot feels great and will give your body the greatest reward. In the same way that you'll never really learn how to ride a bike if you don't take the training wheels off, you will never really learn to move naturally and with full flexibility if you wear shoes all the time!
If its totally new to you, take your time in progressing to let your body adapt. Start on soft surfaces and work your way up to harder ones gradually - particularly important for those of you who like running! Great article

Looking forward to seeing what 2013 brings!


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